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  • What will I need to play the 100% Virtual games?
    1. Internet connection. 2. Willingness to explore, learn and solve! 3.Time - you’ll need 1 hours to fully enjoy the game from start to finish.
  • How do I start the game?
    Head to our main page and select from the dropdown menu - here you will find all our games available. Once you have decided which game is for you, all you need to do is select and follow in in-game instructions.
  • Stuck within the game/game has restarted?
    If you’re stuck on a puzzle/riddle, choose from the in-game hints/clues which will be available under each specific puzzle/riddle. If the game restarts for any reason, to get back to where you last were, simply refresh the page and select the button which says "Start from where you left off" (in blue ink).
  • How much will it cost?
    For every museum, gallery, cultural centre, we offer our main game free of charge - this is one of our founding values, to make education fun to all! However, we’ve got to fund ourselves somehow… If you enjoy the free version you can help us by donating through our “Buy us a Coffee” page. There will also be alternative games featuring different artefacts, puzzles and storylines at each location which will be available at a small fee.
  • How long will it take?
    Depends how fast you are at solving puzzles and how many there are of you in your group. On average a game will take between 1-2 hours. We recommend you and your team allow for 2 hours as it's better to play the whole game in one go!
  • Do I need prior “Escape room” experience?
    No, not at all if you select the beginner version! All you need is an appetite for fun and interesting facts and enjoy logical and critical thinking!
  • Are the games appropriate for young children?
    Yes we think so, however if the children are under 14 we recommend you (the adult) play with them as there may be puzzles/riddles which would be too challenging for them to solve alone. We also suggest the beginner versions as they’re built with children in mind. Before starting any of our games with children under 14, we recommend the adult reviews the storyline of the game beforehand to assess whether they feel it's appropriate for the children playing.
  • You have some feedback you’d like to share!
    Fantastic!! We’re constantly looking to improve, if you have any feedback please do get in touch using, you can do this by CLICKING HERE.
  • You love the game and would like to know how you can help?
    If you have any feedback on how to improve the game, please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you! Right now the best way to support us is by sharing the game among friends and family - so spread the word!! Oh, and if you’re able to Buy us a coffee (donate) that would be amazing too!
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